Lust, Love & Like
Lust is Easy...
Love is Hard...
Like is Most Important.
---Carl Reiner
Link to Carl Reiner (Wikipedia)--
Eclectic Research & Informed Opinion about.. Atheism, Cats, Chess, Economics, Finance, Futures, History, Humor, Nostalgia, Philosophy, Politics, Psychiatry, Science, 70's Disco, Sociology, Stock & Option Trading, Tennis....
Lust is Easy...
Per your request, the following is an explanation as to why I am closing my Chase Checking Account.
And rather than lending these funds to small businesses in an attempt to help revive a moribund economy, commercial banks like Chase are choking off credit by raising rates & tightening lending standards.
And this after gorging yourselves at the taxpayer trough of unlimited "Fed favors" during the financial meltdown.
Uhmmm..Go get the money from Mr. Bernanke. He'll just print or borrow it. He is an associate of Tony Soprano. You see, he likes to confiscate the income of Seniors like me, too. Then he gives it to you, Mr. Dimon. It's the "American way".
Coming soon: The ultimate "thermonuclear" option Seniors can employ vs. the Banks, Credit Card Companies & Health Care Providers--BANKRUPTCY. How it actually IMPROVES rather than DAMAGES your credit and why. And what does it mean to be "Judgment-Proof"?
For an in-depth discussion of U.S. bank profits, please follow this link:
DISCLAIMER:MrKen is NOT a registered financial advisor & any opinions, suggestions or strategies explained are based on his own experiences and knowledge. Readers of this blog should consult their own financial advisors, accountants and/or brokers before taking any action explicitly or implicitly recommended or recounted by this writer.
Labels: 10 Year Treasury Bond, Ben Bernanke, Capital One Bank, Citigroup, Fed Discount Window, fed funds, financial reform legislation, J.P. Morgan Chase, RICO, Tony Soprano, U.S. Bank Profits
This former registered Democrat views both political parties as hopelessly corrupt. The "Yes, We Can" Administration is anything but. I suggest to the dwindling supporters of this "No We Can't & We Won't" Administration, that they view the first part of "The Daily Show" (6/15) with Jon Stewart---
Labels: Afghanistan, Bush Administration, Guantanamo Bay, Gulf of Mexico, interrogations, war on terror
Despite AARP's advocacy of this past year's putative "universal health care" bill, and uninformed--or purposely misleading--articles by sources that should know better; e.g., the New York Times-- seniors will most certainly pay a disproportionate price for this sell out to the insurance industry.
Labels: 2010 Health Care Legislation, AARP, Medicare Payments Slashed by 21%, See Out to Insurance Companies, Seniors