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Thursday, August 24, 2006

The Sinking Sidebar, Redux

The Sinking Sidebar, Redux & Why I Hate Internet Explorer

I don't know why, but these days the sidebar seems to reside way down at the very bottom of the blog. Hopefully, one day it will surface again. But, until then, if you're interested, it's down there. Scroll, baby, scroll.

This problem is only evident in Internet Explorer. In Mozilla Firefox, my sidebar is at the top, where it should be.

Use Mozilla Firefox!
Thanks all!

Also, for 'Sidebar Tricks' go to


Blogger Catana said...

Firefox -- 100% pure. It floats.

Thanks for the comment on Demographic Zero. I'm also iPodless, but confess to having a landline, internet connection, TV, DVD player, stereo. I compensate (I hope) by using compact fluorescent bulbs in most of my lamps.

9:34 PM

Blogger MrKen45 said...

I have a 10 year old stereo system - the tuner/receiver were gifts. I did buy a CD player & have a VCR and tape player & also record player to play my 70's disco 45's and LP' apt. building furnishes my incoming telephone service for free!

1:14 PM


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