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Thursday, September 21, 2006

Hugo Chavez for President ...of the U.S. !

As poverty continues to rise in the U.S., real inflation-adjusted wages continue to decline, and our Imperial Government wages unending war costing many hundreds of billions of dollars around the world, the poor of this country can finally count on some help - from Venezuela!

The poverty-stricken certainly cannot expect any meaningful assistance from its own government. Welfare cash assistance for the chronically unemployed is now time-limited to 2 years lifetime for a single adult, for example. In one of our 'progressive' states, New York, the hugely generous sum of $68.50 is granted to a single adult twice a month. This amount has not been raised in almost 20 years, making the grant worth at least 50% less, when inflation is taken into account.

I quote Wendy Reid Crisp writing in her terrific blog 'When I grow up I want to be 60'...

"Hugo Chavez has oil, too -- Citgo's a division of the Venezuela's state-owned oil company -- and this continues to be a problem for us. For example, last year, Chavez discounted nearly 50 million gallons of heating oil up to 60% off market price and distributed it in impoverished areas of the U.S. (Chicago, the South Bronx, sections of Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Pennsylvania and Rhode Island) --and he says he's going to double the number of poor who receive discounts this winter. That had the House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Joe Barton of Texas spittin' mad."

'While the Committee certainly has no objection to Venezuela assisting low-income Americans, we want to understand whether the beneficiaries are being selected in an objective, equitable fashion, or whether this is merely part of a larger political agenda....Unfortunately, many of President Chavez’s public statements concerning the United States Government suggest that his purportedly altruistic motives may camouflage his true motivations. President Chavez has repeatedly demonstrated a warped view of the United States and its leaders, as well as bizarre concepts of fundamental justice...More recently, during a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization event in Rome, Italy on October 17, 2005, President Chavez called the United States “the North American Empire that threatened all life on the planet.” At a November meeting of Venezuelan and Brazilian business executives in Caracas, Chavez declared, “The people of the United States are being governed by a killer, a genocidal murderer and a madman.' ...

"Another country coming into America and taking care of our neglected, cold poor? What's next? Adopt an American orphan? Food bags from Bangladesh?"

"Fortunately for us, our government knows how to take a stand against such blatant political grandstanding. We are proud of our pockets of starving, freezing poverty, and we have faith-based intentions of getting around to taking care of them sometime before Superbowl Sunday. So butt out, Hugo. Go hang around with your Chinese friends. Give your cheap oil to someone else. And you're completely wrong about our President. He's not the devil. Cheney is."

Curtesy of

MrKen says, Hugo Chavez for President - of the U.S. !


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for the mention! It's also quite funny that the book Chavez promoted at the UN (Noam Chomsky's book on American hegemony) is now #2 on Amazon. But the news continues to show Bush gaining in the polls again, and GOP Congressional candidates picking up speed. We're living in a parallel universe.

9:33 PM

Blogger MrKen45 said...

Hi Wendy!

Some polls do show Bush & the Republicans gaining, but Media Matters for America points out that other polls do not - and the corporate-corrupted Main Stream Media fails to mention those polls.

Great Blog!

12:43 PM

Blogger MrKen45 said...

Hi again Wendy,

Here is the news item from Media Matters about the poll misinformation: (One of the 'starred items in my 'sidebar')

"CNN, Fox News, MSNBC, and NBC touted USA Today/Gallup poll with Bush approval rating at 44 percent, ignored earlier Pew poll placing his approval at 37 percent"

link to full story--

1:12 PM


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