Thursday, August 31, 2006
Wednesday, August 30, 2006
Religion - What it is...
"Religion is arrogance masquerading as humility."
--Bill Maher
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
The New Fascism - A discussion
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Saturday, August 26, 2006
Bill O'Reilly - The 'Fair & Balanced' Bully
The O'Reilly-Sucks Truth Zone
Bill O'Reilly is host of The O'Reilly Factor on the FOX news channel. O'Reilly poses as an objective independent news analyst with a no-spin zone. In reality, he's a biased Republican with an all spin-zone.
****** Fox New's Chronic Fabricator - Bill O'Reilly
Mr Ken45 began regularly watching the Fox News and CNN cable news broadcasts during the Florida election debacle in 2000. The laziness, passivity and dishonesty of many of the commentators on both networks was, and continues to be, breathtaking.
Bill O'Reilly's reporting (the O'Reilly Factor) stands below even this rabble. I will just give two examples of O'Reilly's unbelievable ignorance from my own experience, before quoting a professional.
1) Shortly after the 9/11 attacks, O'Reilly had a hedge fund manager on his show as a guest. The stock market had remained closed in the week of the attacks (9/10-9/14), and fell sharply in the entire week that followed. Bill O'Reilly proceeded to harangue his guest in the pompous and bullying tone that is his trademark. "Anybody who sells stocks is unpatriotic, even treasonous", ranted O'Reilly!
The fund manager tried to explain to 'Mr. Simpleton' that the concept of 'fiduciary responsibility' might legally compel one to sell stocks to stem further losses in clients' accounts. But O'Reilly just repeated his patriotic mantra, ad nausem.
All this bully knows is to wrap himself in the flag and insult his guests, no matter what their expertise, qualifications and accomplishments.
2) In the run-up to the Iraq invasion, there was much discussion about the U.N.'s role and the various resolutions being considered. One evening O'Reilly was discussing the views of the permanent members of the Security Council - and was railing against France's eminently sensible position (remember the O'Reilly inspired French boycott?) of allowing the U.N. inspectors to do their job.
But I was really shocked when the Mr. Know-Nothing began discussing 'another permanent member of the Security Council - Germany!' He was finally corrected by a guest - but the implications of this gaffe are quite amazing. It indicates a complete lack of historical perspective regarding how the United Nations came to exist! Did this pompous fool ever hear of the San Francisco Conference, the Atlantic Charter - or, for that matter, which countries made up the 'Allies'-which of course, became the Security Council (U.S., U.S.S.R., China, Great Britain, France). Uhhhmm, Bill-all these countries fought against Nazi Germany.
Of course, I am sure O'Reilly would deny these two incidents ever happened. As Al Franken documented in many footnotes in his book "Lies and the Lying Liars That Tell Them", O'Reilly's stock-in-trade are fabrications, misstatements & half-truths-even after he's caught. It's no wonder - his actual fund of knowledge could fill a thimble.
And Media Matters for America, which monitors the press in real time, is constantly pinpointing factual inaccuracies and Republican spin that O'Reilly tries to foist "on the folks" as "fair and balanced". O'Reilly appears almost daily in the section of the the sidebar reserved for Media Matters in MrKen45s Blog.
I am currently reading Lapdogs-How the Press Rolled Over for Bush (2006), by Eric Boehlert. It is sharply critical of the news media, which the author says "has utterly failed in their watchdog duty to the public". The following is some of what he had to say about Bill O'Reilly---
'...That fear of conservative press critics - and the desire to mollify them - also explains why right-wing extremists are treated like serious commentators by the Main Stream Media (MSM) and so rarely challenged. Interviewing Fox News's chronic fabricator Bill O'Reilly, ABC's Good Morning America co-host Charlie Gibson cooed, "I always have a good time talking to him." Previewing a November 2005 speech Bush was giving on Iraq's future, NBC's Today show invited O'Reilly on the program to comment on world affairs, despite the fact O'Reilly announced he had no intention of listening to Bush's Iraq speech. O'Reilly did, though, compare Democrats to Hitler sympathizers on Today, a tasteless attack that host Katie Couric let pass without comment {Italics MrKen45}. (It was left to a late-night comedian, David Letterman, weeks later, to actually press O'Reilly on his hateful rhetoric when O'Reilly appeared on CBS's The Late Show...)'
Friday, August 25, 2006
Human Evolution Gene Discovered
Human Evolution Gene Discovered
Scientists have discovered the gene that causes human brains to evolve beyond those of chimps. What do you think?
Gina Helms,
Mailing Services Provider
"I heard that, coincidentally, it's also the same gene that diminishes interest in bananas to a reasonable level."
Harry Benson,
Systems Analyst
"Excuse me, but I think you mean: 'God allowed scientists to discover the gene that God made specifically for humans and not chimps.''"
Lloyd Farber,
Costume Designer
"Ah, I always suspected that we humans had a slight edge."
Curtesy of The Onion
Mumbai's 'Hitler's Cross' restaurant to change name after uproar
Mumbai's 'Hitler's Cross' restaurant to change name after uproar
By The Associated Press
A restaurant named after Adolf Hitler that enraged Mumbai's Jewish community will soon have a new moniker, its owner promised Thursday. | ||
"Once they told me how upset they were with the name, I decided to change it. I never wanted to create this controversy or hurt people with this name," said Sablok. "I don't want to do business by hurting people." |
Curtesy of The Raw Story
GOP candidate says 9/11 attacks were a hoax
GOP candidate says 9/11 attacks were a hoax
A Republican candidate for this area’s congressional seat said Wednesday that the U.S. government was complicit in the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
In an editorial board interview with The Telegraph on Wednesday, the candidate, Mary Maxwell, said the U.S. government had a role in killing nearly 3,000 people at the World Trade Center and Pentagon, so it could make Americans hate Arabs and allow the military to bomb Muslim nations such as Iraq.
Maxwell, 59, seeks the 2nd District congressional seat. The Concord (NH) resident opposes the incumbent, Charles Bass of Peterborough, and Berlin Mayor Bob Danderson in the Republican primary Sept. 12.
Mary Maxwell
OFFICE SOUGHT: U.S. Congress, 2nd District.
AGE: 59.
ADDRESS: Concord.
EDUCATION: Doctorate in politics from an Australian college; course in diplomatic and consular law at the University of Mannheim, Germany.
PERSONAL: Husband, George, deceased.
Maxwell would not specify if she holds the opinion that the government stood by while terrorists hijacked four domestic airliners and used them as weapons, or if it had a larger role by sanctioning and carrying out the attacks.
But she implicated the government by saying the Sept. 11 attacks were meant “to soften us up . . . to make us more willing to have more stringent laws here, which are totally against the Bill of Rights . . . to make us particularly focus on Arabs and Muslims . . . and those strange persons who spend all their time creating little bombs,” giving Americans a reason “to hate them and fear them and, therefore, bomb them in Iraq for other reasons.”
She said this strategy “would be normal” for governments, citing her belief that the British government – and not the Germany military – sank the Lusitania ocean liner in 1915. The deaths of Americans on the cruise liner helped galvanize U.S. support to enter World War I, and benefited England, she said.
In turn, the Sept. 11 attacks “made the ground fertile” for more stringent laws, such as the Patriot Act, and the creation of the Department of Homeland Security, Maxwell said.
Near the end of the interview, Maxwell pounded her fist on the table and asked editors of The Telegraph why they weren’t publishing more stories about the government’s role in the terrorist attacks or proliferation of nuclear weapons.
Maxwell has no political experience. She lived abroad for the past quarter-century with her husband, George, a pediatrician, and only recently returned to the U.S., she said.
In the hour-long interview, Maxwell spoke at length about Constitutional law, U.S. law, nuclear weapons proliferation, and other domestic and foreign policy issues.
Maxwell said the U.S. should withdraw from Iraq. She also questioned whether Congress authorized the war and said its members can’t explain that 2002 vote. (Congress authorized the use of force to defend this country’s security and enforce United Nations resolutions on Iraq.)
“Legally, we shouldn’t have gone to Iraq if Congress can’t explain why,” she said.
Maxwell described herself as a strict Constitutionalist, a candidate who wants to bring the country “back to basics.” The Constitution grants more power to the legislative branch than the other two branches, but Congress has allowed the executive and judicial branches to diminish its influence, she said.
She also said the U.S. shouldn’t immerse itself in the international community by signing trade and security pacts. These agreements have weakened national sovereignty, she said.
Albert McKeon can be reached at 594-5832 or
Curtesy of The Raw Story
Thursday, August 24, 2006
The Sinking Sidebar, Redux
The Sinking Sidebar, Redux & Why I Hate Internet Explorer
I don't know why, but these days the sidebar seems to reside way down at the very bottom of the blog. Hopefully, one day it will surface again. But, until then, if you're interested, it's down there. Scroll, baby, scroll.
This problem is only evident in Internet Explorer. In Mozilla Firefox, my sidebar is at the top, where it should be.
Use Mozilla Firefox!
Thanks all!
Also, for 'Sidebar Tricks' go to
Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Friday, August 18, 2006
The Social Security Trust Fund- A Massive Loan to the Rich
The Richest Americans Try to Renege on Their Loans from the Social Security Trust Fund - with President Bush's Help.
"President bush has called his proposed (privatization) policy 'a promise to reform and preserve Social Security.' In fact, his proposal would neither reform nor preserve Social Security. In the name of preservation, it would destroy the nation's most comprehensive social insurance program and replace it with a system bearing enormous costs and risks for millions of workers and retirees."
--from The Plot Against Social Security: How the Bush Plan Is Endangering Our Financial Future (2005) by Michael A. Hiltzik, Pulitzer Prize winning columnist for the Los Angeles Times.
This is the third book I am researching regarding the current conundrum on Social Security. The following excerpts are from Chapter Six - 'The Myth of the Mythical Trust Fund'...
'...The truth is that Social Security's reserve has been built up from assets belonging to millions of working taxpayers. It's money the government has collected in payroll taxes since 1983 over and above the system's current needs, on the representation that the surplus will eventually be spent to cover the cost spike caused by the retirement of baby boomers.'
'In practice, the money has amounted to a huge loan from the middle class and poor, who pay most of the payroll tax, to the wealthy, who pay most of the income taxes. The income tax rates have been kept low by four presidential administrations, which have raided the trust fund to pay for federal programs that should have been financed by the income tax levy... Why shouldn't the wealthy be obligated to pay it back?'... (italics MrKen)
'...Presidents and lawmakers alike soon became hooked on the Social Security trust fund. The government sold ("special issue") T-bonds to the Social Security system, in effect borrowing the surplus, and once the borrowed money was in hand, they spent it...'
'...The payroll tax is regressive, meaning it costs lower-earning workers proportionately more than it costs the rich. The income tax is progressive, falling most heavily on higher-earning taxpayers. About three-quarters of all taxpayers, in fact, pay more Social Security tax than income tax. Since the payroll tax is only levied on the first $90,000 (in 2005) in earned income, taxpayers reap larger and larger payroll tax exemptions as their income rises above that amount - but they incur higher income tax rates as their income mounts.'
'...The implications of the pattern may be clearer if ... we view payroll taxpayers and income tax payers separately. Let's say Sam pays only Social Security tax, and Ingrid pays only income tax...'
'...Since 1983, when Social Security taxes were increased and the buildup in the trust fund began, Sam has been paying more into the Social Security system than it has required to pay for current retirees benefits. The excess has been funneled into the trust fund as a cushion against the baby-boom retirements. Until the money is needed to pay for those benefits, it is lent to the federal government, which has used it to cover general (that is, non-Social-Security) expenses.'
'Considering that Ingrid's income taxes normally would have been used to pay for those expenses, she has benefited from the transfer. Indeed, she and her fellow income tax filers have reaped a windfall of more than $1.5 trillion since 1983. Without the loans from Sam and his fellow Social Security taxpayeres, her taxes would have been raised substantially. So she has been able to hold on to a larger proportion of her earnings since 1983 than she otherwise would have...'
'According to Social Security's official projections, the flow of money from the trust fund to the general budget will reverse course sometime around 2022. At that point, Ingrid will be obliged to repay the loans from Sam.'
'What will happen is she reneges on the loans? The options are not pleasant - but all of the unpleasantness will be visited on Sam. His Social Security benefits will be cut, or his payroll taxes will have to be raised. In either case, Ingrid will have enjoyed the fruits of Sam's tax payments for some 40 years. But he will have gained nothing - and he'll have to pay much more for his retirement, to boot.'
'It's true that repaying the loans without reducing the federal budget may require a general tax increase - but that's a burden on Ingrid. In other words, the income tax may have to be raised to repay Ingrid's obligations to Sam. But isn't that the proper course?'
'The point made most commonly about the fiscal retrenchment the country might have to undergo to cover the trust fund redemptions is that it will, essentially, break the bank - that the necessary tax increases or budget cuts will be so large the economy will collapse...'
'...The sums the government will have to transfer to Social Security, compared to the size of the economy at the time, should be manageable. Assuming that the gross domestic product grows at an average 4.5 percent a year in accordance with forcasts by the Congressional Budget Office, then... the total of redemptions from 2025 through 2041 will come to less than one-half of one percent of GDP per year...'
'...It's hard to make the case that paying off the trust fund obligations would be a devastating blow to the economy. All we can say for sure is that if it's so, then President Bush's 2001-2003 tax cuts will be an even harsher blow. They're going to cost an average of 1.95 percent of GDP, or nearly four times the average cost of redeeming Social Security's assets.'
'In fact, the share of the tax cuts paid to the wealthiest 1 percent of Americans alone - those who, not so coincidentally, gained most from the government's borrowings from the Social Security trust fund in the first place - comes to about one-half of one percent of GDP. In other words, if their tax cuts were rolled back, the revene gain to the government would cover the cost of redeeming the bonds, with a little left over. Maybe that's why, when you examine who is really behind the organizations looking for privatization of Social Security, you find some of these people...'
MrKen says baby-boomers have to oust the vile and corrupt plutocracy that the Bush Administration represents. Bush and his neo-con friends continue to wage war against the poor and middle class at home, while waging perpetual war around the globe. Bush has promised to bring up his 'privatization' scheme again in 2007, and his new 'lapdog' Treasury Secretary Paulson promises to "overhaul" Social Security.
Book Jacket Curtesy:
Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Bushwatchers know the following is true!
"Hezbollah attacked Israel, Hezbollah started the crisis, and Hezbollah suffered a defeat in this crisis," Bush said, noting that the United Nations resolution agreed to last week calls for the Lebanese army to take over the areas of southern Lebanon once occupied by the Islamic militia.
"Hezbollah, of course, has got a fantastic propaganda machine and they're claiming victory, but how can you claim victory when at one time you were a state within a state, safe within southern Lebanon and now you're going to be replaced?" --George W. Bush
1. George Bush is so happy he can pronounce "Hezbollah", he is saying it as often as he can.